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Jan Schulz-Hofen, 03/16/2017 12:16 PM

Make Redmine Projects Public on Planio

Planio is powered by Redmine and as such it offers the same great possibilities to make Redmine projects public on the Internet. You can choose whether your projects should be accessible to anyone – without the need to login, including search engines – or whether you'd like visitors to sign up first and leave their email address. You can also choose to manually confirm signups or confirm them automatically by sending an activation link in an email.

Sounds fun? Follow this guide to learn how it's done.

What is a Public Project?

A public project on on your Planio powered Redmine account is essentially that: An open project that is available to the public.

Normally, only the explicitly named members of a project in Planio can access it and outsiders cannot see what's going on. Let's change that! Here's how:

  1. Find your project or create a new one
  2. Navigating to Settings -> Information in your project
  3. Check the box next to the Public label and click Save


Make Projects Public on Redmine by Planio

Congratulations! You now have a public project.

Optional: Make all Projects Public by Default

Would you like to make all projects public by default? No problem:

  1. Navigate to your avatar -> Administration -> Settings -> Projects
  2. Check New projects are public by default
  3. Click Save

Next, we'll learn how this change impacts your project and who will now be able to access it.

The Anonymous & Non-Member Roles

Now that you've made your project public, let's see how this changes the access permissions to it.

Please navigate to your avatar -> Administration -> Roles and Permissions for a moment. You'll see two special roles in addition to your own individual roles which you can define yourself:


Non-Member and Anonymous Roles

The Non-Member Role

Click on the Non-Member role to pull up its permissions. What you configure here will govern what any user in your Planio account will be allowed to see and do in your public projects.

Specifically, this means that you won't have to add users to this public project anymore to give them access to it. Any user who does not have a specific role in the project automatically gets the permissions set in the Non-Member role. Users who are members in a public project will have all permissions from both the Non-Member role and their explicit membership roles combined.


Permissions of the Non-Member role

The Anonymous Role

Individually Adding Anonymous and Non-Members to Projects

Do Not Require Authentication

User registration

Activation options

Conversion Optimization

Updated by Jan Schulz-Hofen almost 8 years ago · 12 revisions

Also available in: PDF HTML ODT TXT